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Re: [TowerTalk] Cable window entry

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Cable window entry
From: jimlux <>
Date: Mon, 9 Nov 2020 11:48:22 -0800
List-post: <>
On 11/9/20 10:36 AM, Ralph Parker wrote:
 >Just drill  3-4" hole through the wall and be done with it.
> would be surprised how easy it is to patch the hole if you move !!!
NR1DX has the answer. I've left three 3" holes in walls behind me (in 3 
houses) as I've moved,
and future owners haven't said anything. I've plugged them with steel 
wool to keep the bugs out,
followed by an old sock to keep the wx out.
I did spend some time in the plumbing aisle at H.D., selecting the proper adapters to line the hole.
The expanding foam held the adapters in position.
Piece of cake!



Of course, "punching holes in wall" doesn't always meet with the same spouse/partner approval factor. And, if you're renting, the landlord gets pretty cranky. The window plate, while somewhat inconvenient in some ways has the advantage of being "trivially reversible".

(to a certain extent this is the same as mag mount antenna vs "get the hole saw and drill the darn hole in the car" - but most cars do not have towers, so that discussion is on another list. Nor do most cars have owls, although some do have winches. )

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