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Re: [TowerTalk] How to drill foundation?

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] How to drill foundation?
From: Mac <>
Date: Thu, 6 Aug 2020 12:10:43 -0500
List-post: <>
these companies are well used to your surroundings,  look for Pier or Foundation drilling company's, a 4' dia hole is nothing for these guys ...  just last week i had a 10' diameter 33' deep hole drilled in limestone the whole way, took emm a complete day but all done and the sewer lift station, an 8' circular tank was placed in the hole the next day.  many years ago my own tower base was pier drilled rather than dug out in a rectangle so i used 4 ea 12" dia holes 16' deep and built a rebar cage framed up the above grade to be sq and filled err full, all 4 holes as well the above grade rectangle base..  go for it...
mac/mc  w5mc

On 8/6/2020 11:42 AM, Kim wrote:
Robert, look for firms that do foundations, and/or electric utility work.  
Drilled foundations are somewhat common.

73, Kim - WG8S

On 08/06/2020 11:39 AM Robert Gerace <> wrote:

I just received my engineered plans and learned of the foundation requirements.
The plans state:

“48” x 12’4” (If circular) below grade and 4” to 6” above grade. Order a complete 
truck to avoid shortage”

I’m thinking my idea to rent a mini-ex and dig my own hole just went out the 

To avoid using two trucks I’m thinking I want to use a 4 foot wide auger that can go down 
12’4”. I’m also thinking I want to hire someone to get it perpendicular.

My question is: how do I find / hire the cell tower footing guys? Or does the 
group have any better ideas?

Also, I’m in FL near the coast. I’m pretty sure I’m going to have a lot of 
water in the pit.


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