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[TowerTalk] zero RFI float charger for 12V battery

To: towertalk <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] zero RFI float charger for 12V battery
From: jimlux <>
Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2020 12:17:00 -0700
List-post: <>
I'm putting some remote gear (tuner & relay boxes) at the antenna base that runs off a standard 12V-7Ah battery (control is via WiFi) that runs the microcontroller and energizes the relays, etc. Average load is low, peak load is high.
I've got a nice inexpensive powersonic wallwart fast/float charger, but 
it's a switcher, and noisy.
I'm looking for a inexpensive, wall wart style charger that has *some* 
regulation (AC line voltage will vary, temperature varies, etc.), and 
I'm not looking to build something. I just want to plug it in and have 
it work.
Has anyone run across such a thing? (countless items in catalogs, but 
nothing talks about RFI.. maybe there's a key term to look for?)


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