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Re: [TowerTalk] Vertical Antenna Question

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Vertical Antenna Question
From: jimlux <>
Date: Wed, 8 Apr 2020 20:22:10 -0700
List-post: <>
On 4/8/20 7:23 PM, Gary wrote:
I used my DX Engineering gift certificate to buy a copy of the "Champion Radio HF 
Vertical Performance - Test Methods & Results". I really enjoyed the book and 
learned a lot.

It looks like a vertical is the only antenna I am going to get in my terraced 
back yard. Has anyone done a similar look at verticals where they looked at 
radials vs no radials? There are a lot of claims out there about verticals that 
work without radials. The above test looked at some of those antennas but they 
were mounted over a radial field...
any vertical antenna claiming it's "no radials" is either a dipole 
(potentially off center fed) or is using the feedline as a "radial".
A vertical dipole with an auto tuner might be an interesting thing.

I've put up many a vertical with fairly limited "radial fields" - for instance, I've got a trapped multiband (6BTV) on a wooden patio cover corner, and the radials are wires run along the edges of the patio cover.
I've also done vertical in the corner of the yard, with "radials" 
extending along the property line edges (in one case, next to a iron fence).
It's always a compromise, but you knew that going in.

An autotuner (preferably at the feedpoint) helps a lot

You also need to invest in some 31 mix toroids or clamp ons - choking your feedlines is going to be important.

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