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Re: [TowerTalk] Parallel Connections

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Parallel Connections
From: jimlux <>
Date: Wed, 1 Jan 2020 11:59:44 -0800
List-post: <>
On 1/1/20 8:43 AM, Stan Stockton wrote:
I am looking for ideas on something off the shelf or easy to make that
would allow you to parallel multiple sets of up to eight wires using
plug in connectors.  Currently I am using a couple of Green Heron
bases to simultaneously switch three 2x6 position coax switches.
Everything works but is a little messy with 12 sets of four wires
twisted and taped together.
Do you want something like stacking banana plugs? You can get them in 
ones and twos, I don't recall seeing more. However, you can fabricate 
(an evil word, sometimes) a bracket or something to hold multiple sets 
in alignment.  Thinking of standard dual banana plugs, you could put a 
screw through the middle of the web between the plugs into a strip along 
side however many you wanted, which would hold them in a constant 
orientation.  A piece of plastic bar, with some notches machined every 
3/4" would be perfect.  A 3d printer could make a very nice little 
fixture to hold them, and then it's a matter of epoxy.
Then just have a row of banana jacks in a panel that connects to your 
barrier strip.
You could also arrange banana plugs in some other pattern (square, 
circle, etc.). are the ones where you just stick the wire in, crank the screw down, and you're done. A little dab of thread locker on the screw might be useful.

The other thing is to use something like 1/4" tab connectors, which are available in multi tab versions, some which are designed for barrier strip mounting. I'm not wild about these because each mate/demate is individual.

There are some nice multi tier screw clamp terminal strips (you've seen them, they're green, usually), and they make a plug/socket version.
this kind of thing:

There might be a stackable version.

It would be great to have a box that had about six sets of eight
receptacles for the same type of terminal block connector as provided
by Green Heron that could be somehow be configured for what you

Other than an old style terminal strip with screwed down terminals
does anyone have any ideas on how to improve on having a bunch of
wires twisted or soldered together and taped up?

Thanks...Stan, K5GO/ZF9CW

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