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Re: [TowerTalk] JK301 30M Dipole

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] JK301 30M Dipole
Date: Fri, 08 Nov 2019 06:05:42 -0600
List-post: <>
In my opinion, high q loading coils are a much better loading method than linear wires. FWIW, full sized 30m elements are pretty manageable and it's quite easy to homebrew a rotating dipole. The issue with salt spray, at least in Aruba, is the dissimilar metal corrosion between stainless steel and aluminum. Unfortunately this is difficult to avoid. Perhaps covering the connections with a non-acidic caulk helps.
John KK9A

Elliott Lawrence wa6tla wrote:

I have a12 year old Force12 30M linearly loaded dipole. It works fine when the local sea air doesn’t cause the loading wire connections to corrode making the antenna unusable. I’m tried of needing to repair the antenna every few years!
I’m considering a JK301 that uses loading coils and should be much  
more reliable.  If someone has any experience with this antenna,  I  
would appreciate any comments.  The JK Antenna website doesn’t show  
any access to the assembly manual that I would like to see before any  
purchase.  I have made a request for the manual from JK Antenna but so  
far no response.
Thanks es 73,
Elliott WA6TLA


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