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Re: [TowerTalk] Ferrites 31 vs. 77 material

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Ferrites 31 vs. 77 material
From: David Gilbert <>
Date: Sat, 2 Nov 2019 16:14:24 -0700
List-post: <>

Well, if that's the case it means that Fair-Rite did a poor job of transferring the manufacturing, and yes ... I've seen a bunch of other companies do the same crappy job of it especially when all they were looking for was quick cost reduction.  Those companies who made a commitment to do it right have found a large pool of highly conscientious technical labor in China just like we did.  Those who merely tried to port their processes over to some existing facility usually failed.
My gripe is that simply bashing anything made in China is decades out of 
date and a bad generalization.
Dave   AB7E

On 11/2/2019 1:48 PM, Jack Brindle via TowerTalk wrote:
Sadly, there is much evidence. Fair-rite quality really took a hit after they 
moved production to Asia. So much so that many companies have had to institute 
new QA procedures on incoming product to see if the characteristics come close 
to fitting the requirements. One of the biggest ones is large 60Hz transformer 
toroids that were failing in normal service because of the manufacturing 
issues. The company does still have some non-Asia manufacturing capability, and 
many companies are specifying product only from those sites.

So yes, the toroids do have issues that are very problematic.

Jack, W6FB

On Nov 2, 2019, at 11:21 AM, David Gilbert <> wrote:

I find that kind of China bashing pretty funny.  Ridiculous as a generalization.

I worked for a large semiconductor manufacturer for over thirty years and we 
ended up putting a joint venture manufacturing operation in China ... not 
simply for low cost, but also to be able to serve the Asian market better and 
to be able to head off future tariff concerns within China.  We spec'd our own 
equipment, we trained all the operators, and we put our own managers in key 
positions.  Most of those positions are now staffed by locals.  The resulting 
quality was literally best-in-class on a world basis. MANY other U.S., 
European, and even Japanese companies have done exactly the same, and nothing 
says that Fair-Rite hasn't as well.

It is certainly true that many of the smaller locally owned companies in China 
have sloppy process and quality control, but companies like the large 
subcontract outfits in China put equivalent U.S. manufacturing to shame for 
overall manufacturing excellence.

In the case of ferrites, the problem is the inherent variability of the process 
itself and the problem previously existed wherever the ferrites were previously 
manufactured ... including here in the U.S.  Why you think the variability was 
less before the manufacturing went to China is beyond me.  Several of us here 
have already explained that it wasn't.

Dave   AB7E

On 11/2/2019 10:18 AM, Jim Thomson wrote:
Date: Sat, 2 Nov 2019 13:25:19 +0000 (UTC)
From: Roger Parsons <>
To: "Tower and HF Antenna Construction Topics."
<>, ""
Subject: [TowerTalk] Ferrites 31 vs. 77 material

<Very funny.
<The posts from both N6RK and AB7E support my statement that variability in 
ferrite parameters has been known for a very long time. You're the one who 
asserted that it has just been discovered and that therefore Steve G3TXQ could not 
have known about it.

<73 RogerVE3ZI

##  I  believe it  was  N3RR  that  bought  700,   (seven  hundred)   type  31  cores  
from  one  supplier,  all  from  the  same  lot number..2 years  ago.  He  used  a  
simple  1 turn  link to test them..and then  graded them.  They were all  over the  
map,  + and – 22%.   Thats a whopping  44%   spread.  No  2 ferrites  the  
same!     ALL  made  in what do  you expect ?  So  much  for  fairite 
moving  their  factory  to  China.   QC  down  the  tubes  ever  since.

Jim   VE7RF


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