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Re: [TowerTalk] Hornet Nest on the End of the Boom - How do you safely g

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Hornet Nest on the End of the Boom - How do you safely get rid of this?
From: Wes <>
Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2019 12:13:41 -0700
List-post: <>
I think the word you're looking for then is cannibal.

Wes  N7WS

On 7/29/2019 12:03 PM, Edward Mccann via TowerTalk wrote:
Taking some off-topic liberties with this most interesting thread, wasps and 
yellow jackets, particularly, are indeed carnivores.

Next time you are at the Field Day picnic table between points, and your 
baloney sandwich is challenged by a wasp or two, use your knife and cut one or 
two in half.

Put the remains on a plate down a few places and watch the wasps abandon your 
baloney for their favorite taste treat (their own kind!)

They will quickly swarm to the carcasses and let you down the baloney!

No kidding!

Ed McCann


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