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Re: [TowerTalk] Break-aways for Tree Installed Wire Antennas

To: towertalk <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Break-aways for Tree Installed Wire Antennas
From: Grant Saviers <>
Date: Sun, 7 Jul 2019 13:34:01 -0700
List-post: <>
Hi Jim,

My strategy is to have pull down lines on all hoist lines. These can be para-cord or lighter braid nylon cord (#4 I think). Then when the wire breaks I can retrieve the hoist lines that run thru the pulley. I tie the pull down line to the hoist line so even if the insulator breaks the hoist is retrievable.
I assume the line that raised the pulley is going to get jammed by tree 
growth so invest $15 for a good marine pulley that will last.  Synthetic 
Textiles rope seems to last about forever in my experience. (10 years in 
CA sun and some relocated for 8 more years so far here in PNW.)
Another way is to make the hoist line a continuous loop with more than 
enough line so the knot is never at the pulley.  Sometimes the loop 
constraint gets in the way and a free end pull down line helps 
navigating the antenna wire around limbs, etc.
Hope that is helpful,

Grant KZ1W

On 7/6/2019 9:39 AM, Jim W7RY wrote:
I live in a heavily forested area (The Ozarks) and keep having (mostly
dead) tree limbs come down and take down my wire antennas.

Sometimes the rope holding the center insulator/balun will break, then I
have to
re-string the pulley, or re-shoot the tennis ball launcher in the same
spot, which is difficult, that is 50-60 feet up a tree.???

Any ideas?

Jim W7RY

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