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Re: [TowerTalk] Screws used in Element Construction

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Screws used in Element Construction
Date: Thu, 09 May 2019 08:40:35 -0500
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Personally I like hose clamps however you have to get quality ones with a wide band and stainless steel screw. It is unlikely that you will find these at the big box stores. Why do you want to change this clamping method? The only issue that I have seen with them is in highly corrosive environments where the aluminum and stainless steel do not play nicely with each other. I have also use screws but with nuts and though the entire tube, with the outer one slit just as you have and it worked well. On occasion, usually with large heavy tubing, I have used the SHCS method that K5GO just described and it is a good method. I would not just use a sheet metal screw though a single wall of each tubing. I am not sure how well they would hold, especially with the antenna elements vibrating in the wind.
John KK9A

Garry K4OR wrote:

Greetings all,
I am rebuilding a 17 meter beam I built about 35 years ago. At the time I used slots and hose clamps where fastening element sections together but this time I am going to use sheet metal screws. My tubing sizes will taper from 1.125" down to .625" in 5 sections per side. I can't find any information on what size screws to use unless I'm just looking over it. I have seen a recommendation to use hex head screws rather than typical flat blade or phillips head due to possible damage to the screw head but nothing on screw size. I also wonder if self tapping would be a better option than standard sheet metal type.
Any thoughts will be most appreciated.
Thanks & 73,Garry - K4OR


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