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Re: [TowerTalk] Homebrew PCB

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Homebrew PCB
From: jimlux <>
Date: Mon, 6 May 2019 20:34:25 -0700
List-post: <>
On 5/6/19 4:11 PM, Don wrote:
I was unaware of OSH Park so asked around locally if anyone had used them. Good input from one who has.
Was also told of another in the area, Sunstone, maybe a bit more 
expensive, but with free design SW. Here is a link to their site. 

I've used Sunstone.. I've used them sending them gerbers in the conventional way, and they've done well for us at JPL. 1 day turnaround is possible for 4 layer boards.
They also have an assembly/procurement deal with Screaming Circuits 
(also in Oregon).  You upload the design and the BoM with Digikey or 
other part numbers and they'll quote it, buy the parts, and assemble it 
remarkably fast.
It is *not* as cheap as sending it out to one of the Chinese companies.

But it can be really fast.

I've not tried the pcb123.

I've done - they had a "3 boards for $50" thing that I used more than once. They're also in Oregon and I see from their website that they too have a deal with Screaming Circuits.
I think, in the long run, finding a design tool and using it is probably 
a better thing.


On 5/5/2019 4:53 PM, VE6WZ_Steve wrote:
Good experience with OSH Park in Oregon for making nice boards. Double side with solder mask and silk screen. <> I use KiCad for design and PCB layout.  OSH Park will take the PCB file as a direct upload from KiCad. Ordering the board right from KiCAd take about 5 minutes! Pretty easy to learn KiCad. Free ware here: <>
73, de steve ve6wz


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