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Re: [TowerTalk] Weatherproof Remote Antenna Switch Box Plus

To: WK1W-Ivan Shapiro <>,
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Weatherproof Remote Antenna Switch Box Plus
From: Grant Saviers <>
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2019 11:22:40 -0700
List-post: <>
Regarding the weight, see
For water-tightness, the top overlapped the sides on mine and other wise 
are spot welded so not watertight, but I think two coats of latex paint 
and an added drip edge essentially makes them water-resistant. 
Certainly never IP65 fire hose proof.  Then I really didn't need 
gasketed sealing as would be needed with exposed printed circuit boards 
in a real Hoffman wash down proof enclosure.  It depends on the models 
and assembled vs knocked down and maker.  I don't remember where mine 
came from, best to go look.
Including this large shack entry box, I've always wanted a larger box 
once all cables, bonding plates, arrestors, chokes, etc were installed. 
 Then there is always another antenna coax or control line or choke 
needed later.
btw I bolted mine to some PT 4x4's sitting on precast concrete post ends.

Grant KZ1W

On 3/10/2019 10:42 AM, WK1W-Ivan Shapiro wrote:
Regarding Grant Saviers KZ1W, who wrote:

One other solution for large boxes is to use a steel office cabinet with
doors. Throw away the shelves.  Really cheap at auctions or used dealers.
$199 for this one:

I used a standard electrical PVC box from Lowes. Worked well, but too small,
crowded with arrestors etc. Definitely waterproof. Two questions for Grant

         (1) Do you know the weight. I could not find it.

         (2) Your opinion, please, how watertight compared to a standard
electrical PVC box.


73 de Ivan WK1W

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