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Re: [TowerTalk] 160 Inverted L Question

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] 160 Inverted L Question
From: Grant Saviers <>
Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2018 20:29:40 -0800
List-post: <>
I've used PVC pipe, acrylic sheet, delrin rod, UV resistant nylon and UV resistant UHMW as base and element insulators. There is not much voltage stress at the feed Z of what he is building. At 160m the dielectric properties of any plastic are fine. Grey PVC pipe (electrical conduit) is UV resistant, cheap, and widely available. Heavy wall PVC (schedule 80) is almost always a darker resistant material.
On 11/30/2018 19:25 PM, Jim Rhodes wrote:
I would, of course, recommend the glass bottles.  If you can stabilize it
properly a glass bottle would make a good insulator. Keeping it dry on the
inside might be an issue, but short term no problem.

On Fri, Nov 30, 2018 at 8:29 PM Mike Ryan <> wrote:

     Some years ago I ran across an article about someone using a COKE / pop
bottle as the base insulator for a 160 vertical. Others may have
other/better ideas. A friend is going to try to use roughly 40ft of metal
tubing vertical and wants to insulate from ground the vertical component
then run the remaining length of wire horizontal. ARRL Antenna books have
some ideas but did not see any with the thought of insulating the base in
mind.  Ideas ?   - Mike


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