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[TowerTalk] Fw: T2X terminal strip connection

To: "" <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] Fw: T2X terminal strip connection
From: Bob K6UJ <>
Reply-to: Bob K6UJ <>
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2018 02:54:33 +0000 (UTC)
List-post: <>

  The two bigger wires, black and white, should go to terminals 1 and 2.  Other 
than that it doesn't make any  difference, just make sure they go to the 
matching number on the terminal strips on the rotor and the control box. 

Here's how my T2X is wired:
1.  black  #18 gauge       2.  white  #18 gauge        3.  green  #22 gauge     
   4.  blue #22 gauge5.  orange  #22 gauge    6.  yellow #22 gauge        7.  
brown #22 gauge        8.  red  #22 gauge

      From: Dave Thompson <>
 Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2018 1:35 PM
 Subject: [TowerTalk] T2X terminal strip connection
Hello gang.

It has been years since I hooked up a T2X and using Beldon cable with 2 big 
wires and 6 smaller wires I tried to remember the proper connections.  I have 
two manuals and there is nothing in the manuals.  Here is what I used:

1  Big white
2 black
3 yellow
4 brown
5 Big orange
6 green
7 red 
8 blue

Let me know if this is correct.

73 Dave K4JRB


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