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Re: [TowerTalk] Laying out radials around a stone fence

To: Stan Stockton <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Laying out radials around a stone fence
From: "Joe Giacobello, K2XX via TowerTalk" <>
Date: Sun, 13 May 2018 21:22:27 -0400
List-post: <>
Yea! Verily!

Stan Stockton <>
Sunday, May 13, 2018 4:32 PM
I would stake them down at base of wall, go up and over the wall, stake them down on other side and continue out.
Stan, K5GO


TowerTalk mailing list

Kevin Shea via TowerTalk <>
Sunday, May 13, 2018 3:57 PM
Now that the glacier has receded from Wisconsin, I want to put in radials around my 80' AN Wireless tower (free standing no guy wires). About 20' out on an arc of about 75 degrees I have an old stone wall. It's not high but has huge glacial boulders which really can't be moved. My radials will be about 100' long (some a bit longer some a bit shorter). They will be buried using a trencher designed to bury invisible dog fence or lawn sprinkler pipes. I will likely go down ~3" using 15 gauge solid enamel copper wire (got it an auction of a transformer mfgr going out of business).
My question is: should I run the 20' radials out and end them at the 
wall, and the radials at the end edges of the wall (either side of the 
75 degree arc) connect those to a wire (forming a chord - parallel to 
the far side of the stone wall) and then connect radials to this cord 
and continue those radials out another 80-100'?
Hard to explain without a drawing. I would also mention that the 
ground falls away from the tower in this direction, probable down 25' 
from the base of the tower. This is into a woods and the soil is very 
rich and should be a good conductor.
Kevin N9JKP

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