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Re: [TowerTalk] Insurance for my tower??

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Insurance for my tower??
From: Dick Blumenstein <>
Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2018 18:29:18 -0400
List-post: <>
Thanks Gary-

Since I have another building on the property that could max out the additional structures money available (10% of policy limit), the insurance agent told me to insure that structure separately on the policy which then leaves the 10% for the tower.
HOWEVER, it still get back to Actual Cash Value and determining what 
they will pay. It's a crap shoot how an adjuster would come up with a 
number. (Scenario - /"Oh, you only paid $x,000 for that used tower? 
Well, we need to depreciate it further!!"/ Back to square one and start 
project over for another year or more).
Obviously REPLACEMENT COST is the best route; but not available through 
my present insurance company.
Dick, K0CAT


StellarCAT wrote on 4/4/2018 12:22 PM:
My home owners covered something like $30K of personal property and that included the tower I was told ... I added another $50K of coverage for I believe it was $60/yr ... AND had them add to that "covers amateur radio equipment including outside towers, antennas, structures".
Progressive made it easy to do this.



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