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Re: [TowerTalk] Achor bolts?

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Achor bolts?
From: jimlux <>
Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2018 08:12:36 -0700
List-post: <>
On 3/24/18 8:03 AM, David Robbins wrote:
Well, it probably is... but how many per leg?  And what are they attached to
in the concrete??
And how big is the base of the tower.  A tower that is 3 feet across has 
1/3 the load of a tower that is 1 foot across.
A 400 foot tower that's 10 feet across with 40 bolts isn't putting a 
huge load on any one bolt.

The are claims in a discussion on Face Book that an anchor bolt, "5/8 in. x
12 in. Hot-Galvanized", is suitable for a free standing tower. Someone even
claims it is used for a 400' freestanding tower. It doesn't make sense to me
but I might be overly pessimistic.

I hate to start lengthy discussions and this might be one of them so,
please, comment only if you have a well grounded answer. I'm sure there are
plenty of opinions about it like my own, but I would like to know if my guts
feeling is right or wrong. What I am afraid of is that you can pull out an
anchor bolt like that right out of curred concrete.

73 de,

Hans - N2JFS

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