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Re: [TowerTalk] Wires in trees - QST month

To: "Ham - Tower Talk" <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Wires in trees - QST month
From: "Larry Banks" <>
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2018 15:50:04 -0500
List-post: <>
This month.  Mine arrived today.

73 -- Larry -- W1DYJ

-----Original Message----- From: W1JCW John
Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2018 15:36
To: Steve Boone ;
Subject: [TowerTalk] Wires in trees - QST month

What month is the article in QST?

I've had many dipoles through tree usually for support and they worked well and I worked lots of Dx.
Never had any arcing or fires.

Looked I had an RF issue last installation 230 OCF over trees at 40' and when increased power swr was erratic.
Had 450 ladder line, down to 4:1 balun even tried coax at the feed point 
with a wound choke same issue.
A good portion of the antenna went over the top of trees.


On Tue, Jan 23, 2018 at 8:05 AM, Dick's <> wrote:

There is an article in the last issue of QST that looks at the effect
trees have on antennas in/near trees.

Dick, K0CAT

On Jan 23, 2018, at 1:24 AM, Steve Boone <> wrote:

This is a topic that I have never seen addressed and Google has not
revealed any similar situations:

I am installing a quarter wave, 160m inverted-L between a 40'
Ponderosa Pine and my tower. The first 30' of the antenna will run
parallel to the tree trunk and through the branches. I am using copper
coated wire for the element. I have four elevated radials at the 10' level.
My concern is whether I need to worry about contact between the wire
and the tree. With the very low humidity that we get during Colorado
summers, I am wondering if there is a fire danger here.

I will be running a 1.5 kW.


-Steve, W7WM


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