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Re: [TowerTalk] PST61 Rotor Reliability?

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] PST61 Rotor Reliability?
From: David Gilbert <>
Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2017 12:37:52 -0700
List-post: <>

Finally someone understands.  I never meant my original reply about the PST-61D to devolve into this lengthy discussion, but I couldn't let it drop without the story being set straight.  My situation is indeed peculiar ... possibly even unique ... but some physically erroneous comments were popping up in some of the replies that needed to be corrected.
And yes, my options at this point appear to be either a PST-71D or a 
prop pitch from K7NV.  I've ruled out the PST-110D for two reasons ... 
one is simply the weight of the beast, and the other is the fact that 
Pro-Sis-Tel apparently went to a Hall Effect position sensor for it.  
Here is WA7NB's experience with the PST-110D:;topic=105416.0

He ended up going with a prop pitch (don't remember which size).  I emailed Array Solutions to get their side of the story on WA7NB's issues, but they never responded.
73 and thanks again,

Dave  AB7E

On 12/13/2017 11:28 AM, Jim Thomson wrote:
## Steve et all, the fellow has a very unique situation. His tower and pair of 
yagis are being hit by a mini tornado, thats  50-200 ft across, with  90 mph 
In his one off case, adding a TQ comp plate will  do nothing, except to 
increase the load at the shorter end of the boom, and make things worse.   He 
have wind from just the usual single direction,  hes being hit by high winds 
from  several directions.....and  simultaneous.    Thats the worse nightmare 
one could imagine.
The resulting TQ on his poor  PST61 must be insane.   Its one big corkscrew of 
a windload.

##  The only fix I can see that would work is  possibly either the larger  
PST-71  or  PST  110,  115   or either small or medium sized PP  from K7NV.
If it was me, I think I would opt to remove the  PST-61, get it repaired, sell 
it, then  replace it with a PP.   If you are going to spend $$  spend enough of 
on a correct solution.   The PPs  all use planetary gears.  The final gear is 
driven in 3 places, every 120 degs.  Every other rotor is driven in only one 
And dont even think about using a m2  OR-2800  or  HDR-300, neither will last a 

Jim   VE7RF


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