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Re: [TowerTalk] common mode chokes, baluns and multiband doublets

To: k7wxw <>, "" <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] common mode chokes, baluns and multiband doublets
From: Máximo EA1DDO_HK1H <>
Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2017 06:37:18 +0000
List-post: <>
Hi Bill,

<So... even if my guess is right (about imbalance creating a common mode path 
for noise), designing a choke to solve the problem is very difficult.

Yo don't need to.

Someone else already did it:

73, Maximo

De: TowerTalk <> en nombre de k7wxw 
Enviado: martes, 12 de diciembre de 2017 22:05
Asunto: Re: [TowerTalk] common mode chokes, baluns and multiband doublets

Good morning - I am on the digest version of the list and it took a while to 
sort all the emails regarding my question out.

Background:  I chose the multiband with a 450 ohm feedline and a Johnson 
matchbox as the best way to address my particular circumstances (multiband 
operation with a single horizontal wire, available antenna attachment points, 
location of shack, neighborhood powerlines, spousal boundaries, etc) while 
meeting my operating needs (regional nets, casual DX, mostly CW and digital 
modes, using less than 100W).  I understood the various compromises built into 
the design (which I won't belabor) and decided that I could live with them when 
operating as I operate. I have been generally right about that.

After a year of using this antenna system, though, it is clear that I have 
serious receive noise problems.  I addressed a lot of them by removing RF 
sources from my operating environment and incorporating the sorts of fixes that 
K9YC recommends. But I haven't got them all and I am guessing that my 
unbalanced "balanced system" creates a common mode path for noise ingress.

That's why I asked about common mode choking. If my guess is wrong, someone 
just tell me that and I will go away quietly. ;)

Here's what I think I've heard or confirmed:

Designing a common mode choke that can withstand the mismatch caused by the 
wide variation of antenna impedances at the feedpoint of an multiband antenna 
*and* effectively choke RF noise is not impossible but the weight/cost to power 
ratio of such a choke is going to be very large.

Designing a common mode choke that works across 3 to 30 MHz requires multiple 
chokes in series, with different core materials in each to insure adequate 
choke impedance across the frequency range with the consequent high weight/cost 
to effectiveness ratio.

So... even if my guess is right (about imbalance creating a common mode path 
for noise), designing a choke to solve the problem is very difficult.

Does that sum it up?

BTW, as my wife will tell you, I have spent a lot of the last year with my 
noise buried in a stack of books, papers, and website screendumps on antenna 
design, impedance transformation and chokes. I am really grateful for all the 
work that you all have shared. I won't mention all the call signs because I 
would accidently leave someone out and piss them off but trust me, there's a 
highlighted and penciled copy of your stuff around here somewhere.

73 de bill K7WXW


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