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Re: [TowerTalk] Crappy LMR600

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Crappy LMR600
From: "Roger (K8RI) on TT" <>
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2017 02:18:42 -0400
List-post: <>
Yes, overkill. If your installation has water problems, then by all means use the DB versions, but I've not heard of many who do. With LMR 400 and 600, I have never had water ingress and no maintenance issues.. The only coax that has required maintenance was The UF versions of the LMR cables and Belden 9913 that works like a hose. I never had problems with pre 9913 Belden cables. My yard doesn't have problems with stones in the dirt, so I use buryflex which has a tough jacket but no gel fill. Otherwise I'd use DB cables if I had stones in the dirt. Main cables from rigs to towers here are run in conduit.
Wet cable? Again, The only cables I've had a problem with were 9913 and 
the UF versions of the LMR cables. I've had some of those cables in use 
for over 20 years.
73, Roger (K8RI)

On 8/24/2017 Thursday 12:28 PM, Clay Autery wrote:
Overkill?  Depends on your goal...  Mine is to NOT have to do
unnecessarily frequent maintenance/replacement.  And a wet cable is
Wasted Money?  I bout the "-DB" stock I used last for less than a dime's
difference.  As it will likely last TWICE as long, it was a bargain.
Heavier?  Insignificant except for MAYBE wire dipoles with no middle
support...  Use better engineering or bigger dipole wire and pull more
tension.  Or don't worry about getting it perfectly flat.
Unsuitable? Matter of opinion even in your subset of wire antennas.

I will reiterate what my Dad taught me:

"If you cannot afford to do <insert task> once, you certainly cannot
afford to do it twice."


Clay Autery, KY5G

On 8/23/2017 9:48 PM, Roger (K8RI) on TT wrote:
DB cables for exterior use are over kill and normally wasted money.
They are typically heavier than normal coax which makes them
unsuitable for vertical runs, or feeding, center fed, half wave slopers.

On 8/23/2017 Wednesday 4:41 PM, Clay Autery wrote:
Curious as to why y'all don't use the LMR-400-DB or LMR-xxx-DB cable
INTENDED for exterior use?

Clay Autery, KY5G
MONTAC Enterprises
(318) 518-1389

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Roger (K8RI)

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