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Re: [TowerTalk] Tower Base rotated 5 to 10 degrees off correct bearings

To: towertalk <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Tower Base rotated 5 to 10 degrees off correct bearings
From: Steve Maki <>
Date: Wed, 9 Aug 2017 14:04:36 -0400
List-post: <>
+1 on that.

He might want to prep the existing concrete somehow in an attempt to form a water tight seal with the new concrete - however concrete guys do that.
-Steve K8LX

On 8/9/2017 8:42 AM, Stan Stockton wrote:

Cut it off leaving a few inches sticking out of concrete, put it in
proper position, form and pour another foot of concrete.

Only purpose of the base is to keep it from sinking and stabilize it
until first set of guys are in place.
Asking for some assistance with a tower issue... I'm involved with
some folks in building a station in PJ4. One of the first tower
bases was accidently set in concrete in a position that it is
rotated 5 to 10 degrees from its correct position in relation to
the guy anchors. I'm hoping that there might be a good suggestion
or two as to what might be a good fix or work-around. The tower is
AB-105, and the base is a section of AB-105 set in concrete. The
plan is to have the tower built up to 140 feet, with guys at 40,
80, and 120 feet. Some alternatives: If we "use as is", will the
torque of the guy wires cause problems for the tower? Should we
consider some kind of adaptor plate for the guy brackets to correct
the situation? Are we stuck digging and pouring a new base, or new
guy anchors, with the correct positioning? Any ideas will be much
appreciated. Thanks, 73, Rich, N6KT

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