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Re: [TowerTalk] Rebar Positioning Assembly

To: towertalk <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Rebar Positioning Assembly
From: Steve Maki <>
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2017 19:34:23 -0400
List-post: <">>
On 4/26/2017 19:23 PM, Steve Maki wrote:

What do you tower climbers use for lanyards and connecting hardware? I recently bought a harness but the lanyard is a fall restraint lanyard from the back. I have seen rope lanyards used but they look to be way too long for best position holding on a tower. I have been looking at and for a crocodile clamp style anchor like a Rebar positioning assembly like this
FallTech 8250 Rebar Positioning Assembly - Swivel Steel Rebar Hook 
with 25" Gate Opening, Clevis-Pin Steel Snap Hooks, Grade 80 Chain, 23"
or similar:

Granted I am not an ironworker trying to anchor to an 18 bar wall but it looked like a good lanyard to be easily clipped around a leg or cross brace and keep me closer into the tower rather than leaning back 3 feet like rope lanyards.
Any thoughts or comments?
For typical ham use if there is such a thing, what you pointed to is not the ideal positioning device. Unless you plan on sitting for extended periods in your aluminum seat harness...they work well for that. The problem is it's not adjustable, and it's not feather weight.
For moving around on and working on a ham tower, IMO the best 
positioning device is an *adjustable rope lanyard*. There are many on 
the market. My climbers like the Petzl ones, but I prefer a simple Elk 
River. There's one for under $100 on the Site Pro web site,

-Steve K8LX
In fact the one I actually use is $42 on that page - part# 34406.

You'll love it. Note: it's for work positioning only - you still need a separate fall arrest lanyard or system of some sort.
-Steve K8LX

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