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Re: [TowerTalk] TowerTalk Digest, Vol 166, Issue 29

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] TowerTalk Digest, Vol 166, Issue 29
From: Bill via TowerTalk <>
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2016 14:19:49 -0400
List-post: <">>

Pretty close to weight...850#.

Tie through the tower...where the zig zag cross bracing meets the vertical.  Do 
NOT hook just around the rungs.

I'd hook it at around the top since the balance point is going to be below the 
ring, but close enough to the ring that it might rub against the ring.

The only wild time will be when the tower actually leaves the will 
want to "walk" over to where the cable is coming down from the crane.  Try top 
keep the bottom of the tower right below the apex of the crane's boom when the 
tower becomes 'airborn".  That should help.

I lifted 130 ft of 65 with two rings on it.  I can tell you 2000# of tower can 
be a handful if you don't it right.

73  Bill K4XS/KH7XS

Another question: so I have this 60? long section of R55 with a rotating ring 
at the 48? point which will have guys hanging down from it ... the weight is 
probably around 850#. The tower is laying with the top closest to where the 
crane will be set up (probably 50? away from its nearest end) and the tower 
going away from the crane. 

How do I ?strap? this for the crane to lift it? 

I?m concerned that the rungs are not strong enough ? their welds ? to strap 
around them ... do I somehow wrap around the legs using three straps all going 
up to the hook? 



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