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Re: [TowerTalk] Boom sag on Cushcraft A4S

To: Bill DeVore <>,
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Boom sag on Cushcraft A4S
From: Grant Saviers <>
Date: Thu, 6 Oct 2016 14:57:35 -0700
List-post: <">>
The boom is not particularly heavy duty IMO (I have 2x A4S). If icing is likely a Phillystran truss would be a sensible addition. Also it is quite easy to deform the boom with the element clamps and since mine are used in Field Days, taken apart and back together yearly, I have internally sleeved the boom at each element attach point. A few sleeves required significant "urging" to go in and copious amounts of Penetrox since they were a bit deformed.
Same for the u-bolt holes in the elements, an overly enthusiastic FD 
assembler flattened the element.  Simple sleeving  and new holes solved 
that problem after sawing out the center.
The fiberglass driven element center insulator rots in a few years in 
the sun, so a couple of coats of clear acrylic spray are longevity 
inducing.  I replaced mine with solid FG rod rather than the factory FG 
Another weak spot is the element to boom clamps can splay out and 
loosen, yielding tilted elements.  I made mine square in a vise and used 
long SS 6-32 machine screws and nylock nuts side to side to keep the 
ears from bending outward.  Not much space with the u-bolts but they do fit.
Amazingly, even in dry CA, I had a boom fill up with water - duh. Quite 
a surprise when I loosened the boom to mast bolts.  So notch the end 
caps on the elements and boom at the lowest point.  Large enough so 
water gets out and small enough so hornets don't get in.
Otherwise it is a good antenna, no trap problems at 1kw, decent 
performance for boom length, etc.  Mine are original CC, I can't speak 
to "value engineering improvements" by MFJ.
Measure three times all dimensions before "up the tower".  It is 
sensitive and nobody on the FD team ever got it right first try. (even 
before the 807's).  Below 15' or so height swr measurements are useless.
Grant KZ1W

On 10/6/2016 14:25 PM, Bill DeVore wrote:
I’m getting ready to put up my first beam. I’ve noticed the ends of the boom on 
the A4S sag about 3-5 inches below the center point. Would making a truss out of a non 
stretching material such as phillystran be worth the effort or am I just being anal about it? 
The boom is not bent.

Bill - W3PNM

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