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Re: [TowerTalk] One of our own...

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] One of our own...
From: David Gilbert <>
Date: Wed, 25 May 2016 12:23:51 -0700
List-post: <">>

He didn't say that it put out a stronger signal. He said it tuned more broadly and was quieter. The fact that it got quieter in spite of the the shift to vertical polarization suggests to me it simply was more lossy.
Dave   AB7E

On 5/25/2016 10:27 AM, Joe Subich, W4TV wrote:
It was just un-satisfactory so i pulled it down and replaced it with
the 160 antenna I still use today. A full wave loop fed at a lower
corner, top at the same 110 ft point. I did have to tilt it 15 deg
from the vertical to get it in the property lines but it works like a
You replaced a horizontally polarized antenna < 1/4 wave above ground
(a "cloud warmer") with a vertically polarized "ground independent"
antenna.  The change fro horizontal to vertical probably accounted for
90% of the performance increase you observed.


   ... Joe, W4TV

On 5/25/2016 12:01 PM, Courtney Judd wrote:
hey Steve, yes, I did enjoy the article about verticals/beach, very
educational! BUT, in the same issue of QST another article "If you can
hang a full-size vertical loop, then hang a dipole" really made me roll
my eyes. While I have never done any modeling, 50 plus years of playing
with various antennas leaves me with the opposite conclusion.  A loop is
ALWAYS better than a dipole in my experience. I wanted to spend some
time on 160 some years back so I strung up a dipole at 110 ft with the
resonant point at 1840.00.... worked great.... all kinds of dx.... BUT
the 2:1 swr points were only 7.5 kz up and down... even with a tuner the
antenna preformed poorly beyond that.  It was just un-satisfactory so i
pulled it down and replaced it with the 160 antenna I still use today. A
full wave loop fed at a lower corner, top at the same 110 ft point. I
did have to tilt it 15 deg from the vertical to get it in the property
lines but it works like a bandit. It is quiet and broad banded: 2:1 is
1800 to 1890 and works well over the whole frequency! I would NEVER
replace it with a dipole. Well, thats my 2 cents and I am sticking to
it! lol, 73's Cort K4WI

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