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Re: [TowerTalk] frustrating rain and connections... update

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] frustrating rain and connections... update
From: Charles Farr <>
Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2016 10:30:06 -0700
List-post: <">>
I have noted similar changes on my KT-34XA. I've heard that on these antennas that water gets into the capacitors on the elements, causing the tuning to change. It doesn't last very long after the rain stops. Just something I live with when it happens. SWR that is normally 1.5:1 or less rises to 2 - 2.5. I also experience a lot of precipitation static when it rains, snows, etc. I've also heard these effects are less on yagi antennas of "plumber's delight" construction. Just observations, no real tests, or science.

Chuck, W6AJW

On 04/13/2016 07:38 AM, wrote:
I was thinking the same thing. My homebrew antennas have flat SWR well
below and above the band edges and I have not noticed any change on my
LP-100A's display when it rains.

John KK9A

Subject:        Re: [TowerTalk] frustrating rain and connections... update
From:   "Joe Subich, W4TV" <>
Date:   Wed, 13 Apr 2016 08:23:51 -0400

On 4/13/2016 12:09 AM, Bob K6UJ wrote:
I have always noticed a slight change in the swr with hf yagis when
it is raining. Just a minimal change though. Nothing like what Gary,
K9RX reported.

One would expect that the amount of "detuning" would be related to the
overall "Q" of the antenna.  Antenna designs with critical element
tuning - particularly DE/D1 - will detune more than designs optimized
for lower frequency sensitivity (OWA, log-cell, etc.).

The KLM/M2 designs have always been rather "fiddly" when it comes to
tuning/SWR - specially when compared to some newer designs like the
OWA, LFA, etc.


    ... Joe, W4TV


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