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Re: [TowerTalk] What to do when you have no height

To: <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] What to do when you have no height
From: "Mike Ryan" <>
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 2016 20:19:52 -0500
List-post: <">>
Getting a signal OUT is many times not the run your kilowatt or more (some guys do) and you should be heard for all practical purposes. Just make sure what you have got is working efficiently especially when it comes to that vertical. BUT..if you can't hear them you can't work them. A recv antenna or TWO or THREE may help you in ways you had not considered. I use a PIXEL loop on a rotator... it helps on some bands, on some nights, under some conditions. I know guys that simply throw out a huge length of RG-58 or RG-59 a couple of hundred feet or more running in random directions, shorting the end, and just solder the center conductor of the coax to a PL-259 and use that as a recv 'snake'. Your results may vary. Getting as many elements as you can as high as you can is great if you have the room. My motto used to be.." elevation isn't everything, it's the ONLY thing ". Of course that's when I lived out in Manassas,VA and had 5 towers up with stacked antennas. Here in the sunshine state on a 125ft x 75 ft lot, reality sets in and I do the best I can. Working VP8SGI I have them on 12 of the possible 21 band slots I think. I do ok, but it's not like the old days. And even if it were, I don't have the fire for it I used to. -Mike
-----Original Message----- 
From: john nistico
Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2016 8:04 PM
Subject: [TowerTalk] What to do when you have no height

I live in an area where I can not put much up and I don't always want to run to the contest station. I put a tribander on a roof tripod and a ground mounted Hustler 5 BTV for 40 and 80 but I want more. Any suggestions?

John J. Nistico
911 Electric Inc.

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