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Re: [TowerTalk] Grounds, 'remote' towers, 'house' power system

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Grounds, 'remote' towers, 'house' power system
From: "Roger (K8RI) on TT" <>
Date: Thu, 14 Jan 2016 04:57:54 -0500
List-post: <">>
I would add that lightening usually comes in via these other routes far more often than the tower(s) depending on station location and height of the towers.

Roger  (K8RI)

On 1/14/2016 Thursday 1:05 AM, Jim Brown wrote:
On Wed,1/13/2016 3:58 PM, Bruce Jungwirth wrote:
You said it. NEC is concerned with 60 Hz safety, not RF.
Lighting IS RF. It is not a DC event. It is not even a low frequency 
Yes, NEC is concerned with safety. That includes lightning, electrical 
shock, and fire. It is a BUILDING CODE, and it carries the force of 
LAW when it is adopted by the local authority having jurisdiction over 
a given building. Specifically, it is a set of MINIMUM requirements.
Yes, earth connections are important for lightning protection, but the 
most critical element for all of those concerns is BONDING, not the 
perfection of earth connections.
As hams, we zero in on antennas as the conductor that brings lightning 
into our homes, while in reality, lightning comes in on power lines, 
telephone lines, and CATV systems too.
73, Jim K9YC


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Roger (K8RI)

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