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Re: [TowerTalk] Laws of Physics Repealed!

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Laws of Physics Repealed!
From: Jim Brown <>
Date: Sat, 24 Oct 2015 15:48:18 -0700
List-post: <">>
On Sat,10/24/2015 6:49 AM, Daniel Danny Horvat wrote:
There is no R6 antenna, there is a R-6000 antenna which I designed for
Cushcraft followed by R8 antenna which was covered in K7LXC & N0AX report
with high score.
Congrats on your work, Danny.  It's not easy getting good performance 
with small size!
I was against implementing a 80m on R8 vertical back then (1998) due low
efficiency and narrow bandwidth. MFJ has no problem to claim anything just
to sell.
N0AX acknowledged this in his write-up of their tests. Only a fool would 
expect otherwise. :) His advice for all of these antennas as a class was 
to buy one rated for at least one band lower than you intend to operate 
with it.  That is, if you want to work 40, buy one that will work 80, 
and don't expect good performance on 80M from a 30 ft vertical.
Verticals,  R5/R7 R6000 R8 and also clones AV620, AV640 are IMO better
My friend K9OR, a very good op on a very small lot in Evanston (near 
Chicago), has done very well with an AV640 on the roof of his small 
ranch-style home.
than 43 foot verticals or even worse CHA250 and clone verticals.
I suggest that anyone considering an HF vertical or other antennas for 
limited space take a look at these pieces on my website.

73, Jim K9YC

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