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[TowerTalk] 40 ft towerbase for sale

Subject: [TowerTalk] 40 ft towerbase for sale
From: Patrick Greenlee <>
Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2015 10:31:46 -0500
List-post: <">>
If Scott's 72 foot tower isn't tall enough for you then I have what you 
need, a base on which to mount his 72 ft tower to increase its height by 
40 feet for 112 ft (plus mast.)
What I have is the bottom 40 ft of what was a 100ft tower with a wind 
generator on top.  I tilted over this 40 ft (two legs are hinged) tower 
section, dismantled, shipped to my ranch, inspected, pressure washed, 
primed, painted and reassembled with some new angle braces. The lattice 
X-braces are 2x2x1/8 angle.  The legs are 4 inch ID steel tube with 1/4 
inch wall thickness.  Tower is two sections of 20 ft each. joined by 
bolting together flanges that are welded to each end of each 20 ft leg 
section.  I have the bottom two 20 ft sections (currently assembled so 
40 ft tall.)
The legs hit the ground on 14 ft (not inches) centers.  This wide stance 
greatly reduces the foundation requirements.  When assembled to its full 
100 ft height with a wind generator on top (significant windage compared 
to an antenna) it was mounted with an 18 inch diameter pier about 6 ft 
deep under each leg.  My engineering consultant did the calcs and was 
ready to assist me with the installation of a free standing tower atop 
this 40 ft tower section.  Due to a change in budget constraints my 
plans have changed.  I have a DX-70 Tashjian crank-up/tilt-over tower on 
order (used to be Tri-Ex.)  The 40 ft tower base is currently surplus to 
my needs.
I can assist in the disassembly and loading for shipping.  Anyone within 
driving range could haul this with a minimum of a trailer with 18 ft on 
deck.  Depending on circumstances, I might deliver. It has a custom 
A-Frame/gin pole for easier raise and lower.  This is a very robust 
tower and a good way to elevate another tower by an additional 40 ft.  
Due to its assembled size it is not convenient to haul it assembled 
(wide load.)
Other uses would include separating the 20 ft sections and using them as 
raised shooting platforms superior to most tree stands or a platform for 
a zip-line or a diving board, sky diving training platform, etc...  If 
interested please contact me off-list.
Patrick         NJ5G


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