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Re: [TowerTalk] Someone's Tower Fall Over in OK?

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Someone's Tower Fall Over in OK?
From: Patrick Greenlee <>
Date: Thu, 30 Jul 2015 08:52:17 -0500
List-post: <">>
I have a mile and a half drive to gas stations. On the way a new sign appeared in my neighbor's pasture advertising SWD and listing a multi-digit approval number.
 I was like, "WELL DU-UH!"  but a little research and it is an 
advertisement for SALT WATER DISPOSAL wells.  Got several barrels of 
salt water separated out from your crude oil? For a fee you can stick it 
back underground, out of sight and out of mind, just call 405-xxx-xxxx. 
Some oil wells produce as much or more salt water than oil.
I am 60 miles SSE of OKC and have felt one earthquake in 15 years. It 
banged my grandfather clock weights into the pendulum and randomly 
sounded some of the chimes but made no visible movement whatsoever of my 
two great room fans on 10 ft down rods. Apparently the frequency of the 
trembling was much closer to the resonant freq of the clock weights than 
the fans on 10 ft down rods.
I heard it quite well in advance of the shaking motion.

We currently have about 5 times as many earth quakes as California. Due to having the best state government that oil money can buy I don't see a lot being done to curtail SWD or fracking in a meaningful way.
Patrick        NJ5G

On 7/28/2015 8:22 AM, Michael Tope wrote:
On 7/27/2015 1:25 PM, Michael Adams wrote:
While I agree that those websites' objectivity might be questionable, it's more probable that the authors involved (and popular opinion) aren't making a distinction between fracking and injection wells.
(The HuffPo link gave me a 404 error, but the RT article does go on 
to describe injection despite its headline.  Sloppy reporting, but 
about what I'd expect from journalism today.)
There's more to injection wells than waste disposal from fracking 
operations, but you have to admit that the use of deep injection has 
increased as fracking has become more common.
Despite what it says in the URL, USGS says it is the wastewater 
injection wells (at least in Oklahoma): 

73, Mike W4EF.........

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