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Re: [TowerTalk] SteppIR Motor Replacement?

To: Tony <>,
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] SteppIR Motor Replacement?
From: Per Molund <>
Date: Wed, 03 Jun 2015 17:02:01 +0200
List-post: <">>

The jammed motor sound is normal during recalibration so that itself should not be to alarming. However, did the SWR come back to normal after recalibration? If not, than there might be a problem.
73 de LA9XKA - Per

At 04:48 03.06.2015, Tony wrote:

It appears that one of the motors on my 3 element SteppIR has failed. I noticed the SWR had shifted badly on several bands so I thought it might need recalibrating. During the calibration process, I heard what appeared to be the sound of a jammed motor similar to what a jammed electric drill might sound like.
My guess is that the motor itself might be fine, but it could be the 
beryllium-copper element that's damaged or possibly a broken sprocket.
Whatever the case maybe, I might need a new motor and was wondering 
if any one has priced them?
My antenna is about 13 years old - hope it's worth investing in.


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