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Re: [TowerTalk] [Bulk] Installing DB36 atop 75ft guyed tower?

To: Grant Saviers <>, Jim Miller <>, "" <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] [Bulk] Installing DB36 atop 75ft guyed tower?
From: "Richard (Rick) Karlquist" <>
Date: Fri, 08 May 2015 10:29:30 -0700
List-post: <">>

On 5/8/2015 9:04 AM, Grant Saviers wrote:

4. crank up - 17.5 sq ft may require an upsized crank up.  UST will
upsize sections , eg HDX589 becomes HDX689; a HDX572 and HDX672, but
prices go up significantly.  The antenna goes up side hoist (boom can be
horizontal since there are no guys), crane, or boom lift.  A 160#
antenna plus weight of a strong enough rotator and mast adds a lot of
load if you want to tilt up the tower with the antenna on the mast.  I'd
judge that can NOT be done for a DB36 with the UST tower raising fixture
from the load I experienced on a 589 with an Orion rotator and 20' mast
I have the original MonstIR 3 feet above an HDX5106, turned by a prop
pitch.  I routinely tilt it over with the UST fixture.  The only
issue with this was that the factory winch brake pads had an issue
with overheating and squealing, but this happened even without the
antenna mounted.  I eventually replace that winch with a motorized one.
The antenna is mounted on a homebrew tilt plate copied from the NN4ZZ
plate.  This is a 4,000 lb tower, so a few extra hundred pounds
doesn't make as big a difference as with a smaller tower.

Rick N6RK

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