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Re: [TowerTalk] modeling compare: 80M, 2EL vs 4SQ

To: "Richard \(Rick\) Karlquist" <>, <>, "tower" <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] modeling compare: 80M, 2EL vs 4SQ
From: "StellarCAT" <>
Date: Mon, 16 Mar 2015 08:27:51 -0500
List-post: <">>
at the site zoom in to your area of interest using the map. You can rubber band an area until you get there.
Then once there select the AOI rectangle (or odd shape) symbol above the map 
and select the specific area you're looking at.
Don't go TOO small - it will define what the soil types are over the whole 
region and give the specifics for each of these
(at least it will for some areas of the country - again it seems to provide 
it for where we use to be but not for where
we're going)...

Then select from the Soil Data Explorer tab at the top ...

then select Soil Properties and Qualities...

then for Soil Chemical properties select its double down area button...

and finally under this select "Electrical Conductivity".

from here I've seen little variance in the responses - but I have tried selecting "Surface" vs. "Depth Range" and ranges of 30 and 60 inches (select inches)... then select 'View Rating' below it.
The ratings are given in a table under the map. The soil types are shown in 
the AOI on the map as
well as in the table.


-----Original Message----- From: Richard (Rick) Karlquist
Sent: Sunday, March 15, 2015 10:38 PM
To: StellarCAT ; ; tower
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] modeling compare: 80M, 2EL vs 4SQ

On 3/15/2015 5:16 PM, StellarCAT wrote:
Hi Steve,

I’ve searched and cannot find any info on South Carolina other than that old map. It shows shows all of the area where I was as 8 mS. There is indeed soil there – farming is going on all around there. And it shows the area in SC as 2.
There’s a really nice site:

where I can go and indeed see that the soil where I was in AZ is actually 100 mS (1 dS)! Not 8 but MUCH better. THAT I don’t know.
I tried to browse this site, but it appears to have a huge learning
curve.  Since you have used it, could you give us the Reader's
Digest version?  Specifically, are you saying it gives RF conductivity
and permittivity?  Or DC conductivity?  Or does it just rate
soils for agricultural value?  Agriculture doesn't necessarily
correlate with radio.  My QTH has great radio characteristics but
is useless for farming.  Even weeds don't grow well.  Thanks in


Rick N6RK

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