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Re: [TowerTalk] [Bulk] Re: SteppIR

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] [Bulk] Re: SteppIR
From: Kevin Stover <>
Date: Sat, 28 Feb 2015 18:33:16 -0600
List-post: <">>
If you are a member of the SteppIR Yahoo group you would get the idea.
Unless things have changed and questioning the SteppIR way is verboten over there. Be that as it may I wouldn't own one without a crank-up/tilt-over tower under it.
I think it's a take it down once a year antenna.

On 2/28/2015 4:04 PM, Kim Elmore wrote:
Several have mentioned potential failure points for the SteppIR antennas. I 
haven't heard about many failures. In fact, I can't think of any. There are a 
fair number in us by now. How often are failures encountered?

Kim N5OP

"People that make music together cannot be enemies, at least as long as the music 
lasts." -- Paul Hindemith

R. Kevin Stover
FISTS #11993
SKCC #215
NAQCC #3441


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