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Re: [TowerTalk] Mosley Antenna Question

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Mosley Antenna Question
From: W0MU Mike Fatchett <>
Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2015 09:31:54 -0700
List-post: <">>
The issue is that nobody wants to hear or find out that what they bought was not as good as another product or that product X which is less might be better.
If you are happy with your Mosley great.  Then why get your panties in a 
Whatever you have now is probably better than what you had before, right?

I worked a pile of DX with a TH7DXX and a TA33JR. I have worked a heck of a lot more with my SteppIR's. Is a non trapped antenna better than a trapped one. You can do the research on that. I am pretty sure the TA33 jr ended up in V47 land and it made a pile of contacts. It was simple to build setup and use. Did the Monobanders we brought down later work better....Yep. Do I have any regrets, nope. Most multiband antennas require you to give up something to have multiple bands.
I got into the same conversation on Facebook with people about the 
Baofung or whatever it is dual band HT that you can buy for $35.00 or 
less.  People that spent way more another brand radio, went out of their 
way to bash the $35.00 radio and they never even owned one.
Operator skill plays a big part of working DX.  You can have the biggest 
and best but if you don't know when and where to call you probably are 
not getting in the log.
Mike W0MU

On 2/18/2015 9:54 PM, wrote:
The point many Mosley supporters don't seem to understand is that from the 
results of one antenna, you cannot derive any knowledge about whether it is 
outperforming another yagi of comparable cost or dimensions.

A person who puts up a TH7 and uses it exclusively for ten years can proclaim 
he was happy with the performance, but has no basis for proclaiming it would 
have outperformed, say, a Skyhawk, JK Tribander, X7 or even a Pro57.

Someone who took down a TA 33 and replaced it with an A4s and notices an 
improvement DOES have a basis for regretting buying the TA33, however.

An engineer and a tower expert who create a scientific plan for comparing 
antennas and execute that plan do have a basis for saying that one brand of 
antennas was inferior to competing, comparable models, as well.

The plural of anecdote is not data. Only by sound comparison can one say for 
certain that spending $1,500 with Mosley is better than spending $1,500 with DX 
Engineering or Hy-Gain or JK.

73, Kelly

Sent from my iPad

On Feb 18, 2015, at 9:37 PM, "David Gallatin via TowerTalk" 
<> wrote:

Indeed everything works. That supposition does not rule out some things working 
far better then others with the proof being in the empirical evidence of 
experience by making contacts.  I don't need an antenna range or a model to 
tell me the Mosley tri-bander that's going up in the spring is going to be 
light years better then the MFJ loop tuner I have sitting on a chair in my 
spare bedroom. As for measuring performance... I have yet to hear an Asiatic 
station, much less work one. I expect that will change with the advent of my 
yagi going up and when the QSL cards start rolling in from JA that's all the 
measurement I need.  73,
David, AA9G

ex W5DCG and KC9EEV

    On Wednesday, February 18, 2015 1:20 PM, "" <> 

N6BT wrote an article in the July 2000 issue of QST called "Everything Works"

You do not need an efficient antenna to work DX and without a way to
compare it to other antennas you have no way to measure its performance.

John KK9A

Subject:    Re: [TowerTalk] Mosley Antenna Question
From:    Jim Brown <>
Date:    Wed, 18 Feb 2015 09:44:52 -0800

On Tue,2/17/2015 3:06 PM, Joe Subich, W4TV wrote:
K7LXC will not "talk his book" but I will say that multiple unbiased
antenna range tests - including those reported in the K7LXC/N0AX
"Tribander Test Reports" - have shown that the Mosley antennas perform
more poorly than any other manufacturer's multiband yagis of similar
boom lengths.

It's a bit of a stretch to call it a "book" -- it's a well-written,
well-documented engineering report on the well-planned and well-executed
antenna measurements that Steve and Ward did something like 12-15 years
ago. This report, another on companion tests on HF verticals, and N6BT's
"Array of Light" book are all available from Steve's Champion Radio
website, and all are worth far more than what you pay for them.

The N6BT book is really about antenna design, discusses the designs of his
Force 12 antennas, and includes designs for a nice variety of HF antennas.
The only thing it lacks is an editor -- several chapters are redundant.
One of the chapters debunks the inflated gain claims of antenna
manufacturers, showing that the advertised gain numbers for their
tri-banders were 3-6 dB greater than the maximum possible gain for a
monoband Yagi of comparable size.

73, Jim K9YC


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