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Re: [TowerTalk] N6BT Next Generation Antennas

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] N6BT Next Generation Antennas
From: Pete Smith N4ZR <>
Date: Sun, 01 Feb 2015 16:50:53 -0500
List-post: <">>
Sure Patrick, but when you have a small outfit, you may not be able to afford a separate QC person. Perhaps I should have said "a maintenance foreman with a strong commitment to quality. Better?
73, Pete N4ZR
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On 2/1/2015 1:55 PM, Patrick Greenlee wrote:
Manufacturing and QC don't work well inside the same head. Manufacturing is all about making production quotas and QC checks to see that the appropriate level of quality is maintained on the wigits being built. You can't test quality into a product. You have to design and build quality into a product and then QC verifies the desired level of quality and gives feedback to manufacturing to help them control their quality level.
It is a rare individual (or someone exhibiting multiple personalities) 
that can be both manufacturing minded and QA/QC minded.
Patrick    NJ5G

On 2/1/2015 11:08 AM, Pete Smith N4ZR wrote:
My experience with F12 and N6BT goes back 19 years so far. I have 3 of his smaller antennas - two C3Es and anEF-240S. All are working and holding up well. My technical experience was mixed - my impression is that Tom very much wanted to do things right and be fair to his customers, but that execution got in the way, with missing parts, misdrilled boom pieces, and the like. I think he need a good QC guy as his manufacturing foreman. However, I have no doubt Tom himself means well, and maybe he learned something from it.
73, Pete N4ZR
Check out the Reverse Beacon Network at,
blog at
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ARC V6 or VE7CC DX cluster node.

On 1/31/2015 11:28 PM, Elliott Lawrence wrote:
I don’t have any experience with N6BT in his present endeavor but if it’s anything like when he ran Force 12 I wouldn’t hold my breathe. Lousy manuals…. no parts list, confusing instructions and measurements for the EF-130..30M dipole in the instruction manuals. I would at least look at the manual for the antenna that you are interested in before buying. He sold the business to a K5 that tried to get things organized but after a few years he sold what was left of the business to Innova Antennas. They have kept some of the popular items but eliminated most!!
Elliott WA6TLA

On Jan 30, 2015, at 2:08 PM, Marshall Stewart <> wrote:
Has anyone done business with N6BT Next Generation Antennas that would be
willing to share their experience relative to shipping times?

If preferred off reflector comments would be welcome.

Marsh, KA5M


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