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Re: [TowerTalk] Fwd: Now THIS is a tower climb!

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Fwd: Now THIS is a tower climb!
From: Jim Lux <>
Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 21:32:01 -0800
List-post: <">>
On 1/13/15 7:09 PM, Herbert Schoenbohm wrote:
I once visited a BC station in Trinidad that had the red "on the air"
light inside a double panel of glass between the studio and control
room.  I foolishly asked "do you mean you have to remove one of those
glass panels when you have to replace a burned out lamp?" The answer was
"no...we never have to replace them since they are 240 VAC bulbs and we
power them with 120 volts."  I guess it cuts back on the illumination
but extends the life of the bulbs significantly.

life goes as something like the 12th power of the voltage. Running 130V 
bulbs (a standard voltage) on 110-120V makes them last virtually 
forever. Used in, e.g., railroad signal lights.  (well, (130/120)^12 = 
2.6, so 2600 hours instead of the nominal 1000 hrs)
Wikipedia says 16th power..

Herb Schoenbohm, KV4FZ
On 1/13/2015 6:15 PM, Roger (K8RI) on TT wrote:
Now, invent a really long life bulb and you will sell at least a
hundred !!

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