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[TowerTalk] Fwd: W7ZUC It's a sad day.

Subject: [TowerTalk] Fwd: W7ZUC It's a sad day.
From: UpTheTower--- via TowerTalk <>
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 12:17:05 -0400
List-post: <">>
Sent:  9/22/2014 7:45:57 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time
Subj: W7ZUC It's a sad  day.

Dear Sir; 
I think it is about time to end the "It's a sad day" and  put in proper 
I am the owner of the tower from which Jim Linstedt fell  from.  Jim was a 
safe climber and always used his belt and always  attached himself to the 
tower.  What appears to happened is that when he  detached from the 
tower and was moving from point A to point B he suffered  some type of 
medical problem believed to be a 
arrhythmia according to the coroner.  I didn't see  when he fell from the 
tower, but caught sight of him about 
35 to 40 ft off the ground just before he hit.  It  appeared he was already 
deceased at that point.   
There was no sound of any type made when he fell, and I  would not have 
known it until he hit the ground but for some reason I looked  up to see what 
he was doing when I saw him falling.  Jim has climbed many  of the hams 
towers in this area helping whenever he can.  I used to climb  with him but 
because of my own medical condition I quit climbing sometime  ago.  It is very 
aggravating not to be able to climb my own tower  because 
I built it and maintained for years, and it is getting  harder and harder 
to find people who will climb. 
Right now I have hired a professional climber to come and  finish the work, 
I have no idea what it will cost but it has to be finished  and right now I 
could not ask another fellow ham from the area to climb and  will probably 
depend on professional climbers to do my work from now  on. 
I was going to post this myself however I figured I would  let you do this 
as it is your reflector.  You can edit this as you  see fit as I have gotten 
long winded again. 
Jim was a good friend and a friend to all of the hams in  the community.  
He served as president of the local ham club, chairman of  the tailgate 
committee, his sister passed away two days after hearing the news  of Jim's 
passing and he daughter is getting married in a week. 
Thanks for your time. 
Ronald Anderson - W9RMA 


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