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Re: [TowerTalk] Sad day - W9ZUC tower accident

To: 'Tower Talk' <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Sad day - W9ZUC tower accident
From: Markku Oksanen <>
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 07:09:28 +0000
List-post: <">>
I remember a tower work video where the comments mention that OSHA allows for 
free climbing if so required by the job. Naturally the video is about free 
climbing at the tip of a 2000 foot tower.
As much as this is hobby for the most of us - tower work that is - there is 
nothing hobby-like about the need for quality of safety gear used since IF you 
rely on your harness+else, it better do the job when needed.  It seems hard to 
spend third of a new radio's cost on Nylon pieces every few many year only.  
The little climbing I do is with "all ropes attached" and it is slow but one 
part of the story is that most of my time anyway is spent up there doing the 
work, the climb itself is not such a big % of the total time.  
One more aspect of this is routine, when I climb, which is seldom, I clearly 
don't have all the routine needed for 100% safe climb. Just like with driving a 
car, routine makes it safe if you don't at the same time relax your requirement 
for safety such as driving with one hand only.


> From:
> To:
> Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 20:42:24 -0400
> Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Sad day - W9ZUC tower accident
> Doug -
> Anybody can free climb.  Nothing special or macho about that.  But it's not
> the safe approach.  It's like saying "I've been texting while driving and
> have never gotten into an accident"!
> Ironically , this whole thread was started by the death of W9ZUC, who
> apparently was free climbing and might be alive today if he had some
> connection to his tower.  What better evidence do we need of the threats
> involved?
> Regarding the BS about safety equipment getting in your way - learn how to
> use it.
> If you want to free-climb, have fun, but I wish you wouldn't promote this
> dangerous approach for climbing to others.  
> Bob 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: TowerTalk [] On Behalf Of Doug
> Renwick
> Sent: Friday, September 19, 2014 11:16 PM
> To: Tower Talk
> Subject: [TowerTalk] Sad day - W9ZUC tower accident
> I have been climbing, free climbing, for 40 years.  I never kept track; I
> probably have easily made at least 1000 climbs or more as a ham operator in
> that period.
> If you can't free climb, you shouldn't climb at all.  Read what I said.
> However you climb, if you can't free climb, you shouldn't be climbing.  I am
> not suggesting that you should free climb (that is a personal choice) ... I
> am saying that if you are incapable of free climbing, stay on the ground.
> Doug
> I wasn't born in Saskatchewan, but I got here as soon as I could.
> ---
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