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Re: [TowerTalk] Results for Boom End Caps!

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Results for Boom End Caps!
From: Patrick Greenlee <>
Date: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 10:14:35 -0500
List-post: <">>
Not everything is best selected through statistics. There is no downside to caps with drains, stainless steel wool is also good, Wood plugs from scraps of pressure treated wood or well protected with paint is good too. Leaving things open in many venues invites wasps or other unwanted wildlife while covering or plugging with ability to drain has little or no down side. A wadded up scrap of plastic window screen material or a plastic scrubbing pad like a scotch brite or similar has worked for me in a similar but non-antenna situation.
Statistical analysis of answers to the question  of ""should I turn left 
or  right to initiate a U-turn?" would probably result in driving 
straight ahead.
;) ;) ;)


Patrick NJ5G

Common sense is an uncommon commodity.

On 8/22/2014 3:56 PM, wrote:
Hello again all,

Below is the results of my
Boom End Cap question for your review!

1) No Caps   4

2) With Caps 5 + 3 with Caps and drain holes.

3) Other 5  3 with SS steel wool.
                   1 with a rubber ball.
                   1 Hardware Cloth.

The jury is still out.....

Thanks to all who responded.

Ted  K2QMF

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