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Re: [TowerTalk] Utility Pole as Beam Support

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Utility Pole as Beam Support
From: Herbert Schoenbohm <>
Date: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 02:55:06 -0400
List-post: <">>
Depending on the top diameter of the pole a top section of a Rohn 25 can fit over the top and be securely bolted or lagged in place This makes the antenna mounting and rotor plate easier to work with and give some side load thrust support. It also gives the climber a more secure working area rather than just pegs at the top of the utility pole.

Herb Schoenbohm, KV4FZ

On 6/4/2014 12:40 AM, W0MU Mike Fatchett wrote:
If you have a rotor that has bottom assembly that you can attach to a mast then buy a 10 ft section of heavy duty Schedule XXXX pipe and bolt it to the top of the pole. Mount your rotor on that and then the beam above the rotor on a short mast.
You can put steps in the pole to climb up or rent a bucket truck.

Does Hazer or someone like it make a rail system to raise/lower antennas on poles?
Mike W0MU

On 6/3/2014 4:15 PM, Clay Jackson wrote:
I just "inherited" a 50' (out of the ground, 6' buried) utility pole (crew was taking it out and told me that if I'd drag it off the road, I could have

I'm thinking about trying to find a rotator and tri-bander to put on top of
it; but, having no experience with such a setup; I thought I'd seek some
advice first.

So, a few questions.

I'm sure someone has done this before;  would you be able to share your

I have a friend who can weld anything from steel to aluminum and so I think
we can fab up a mount for the rotor.

Beyond that, thoughts would be appreciated on things like:
Wind loading - how many sq ft (if any) is reasonable before I have to use guys (for my HyGain AV18HT the building dept made me engineer the base for
90K winds, WITH a "wet stamped" drawing)?
Base - is a 6' hole filled with dirt "good enough" or do I need something
more (if more, would a  6' hole with concrete be sufficient)?

Thanks in advance!



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