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Re: [TowerTalk] Tail Twister Question

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Tail Twister Question
From: "Roger (K8RI) on TT" <>
Date: Wed, 28 May 2014 09:19:41 -0400
List-post: <">>
On 5/28/2014 9:08 AM, Earl Morse wrote:

Is it safe to operate the TX2 while it is laying on its side ?

I don't find anything in the manual EXCEPT for this step in the CHECK OUT 

D. With the rotator sitting in the upright position
and connected to the control unit by the 8-
wire cable, plug the control unit power cord
into a receptacle.

That statement raised my caution flags.? The rotor is mounted in the tower and 
the tower is tilted down to horizontal.? I'd like to run it briefly to check 
things out before I hand crank it vertical.



The T2X and HamIV rotors will function horizontally on a bench all day long.  
However, maybe not so with a load on them.  The two bearing sets inside the 
rotor are set to handle a vertical downward load that puts them in compression. 
 However, I would think that you could have bearing issues if a lateral load 
was working against those bearings.  Aside from the water intrusion of this 
rotor on its side I wouldn't use it horizontally unless the pipe you were 
turning was already supported by bearings.

The specs on this rotor show a 15 sq ft windload with the rotor mounted inside 
the tower.  That gets derated by half if the rotor is mounted on the top of the 
tower or on the mast with the optional bottom mast mount.

I believe that is at the top of the rotator, or no more than a foot 
above it.  IE, no mounting the antennas on a mast above the rotator.

Roger (K8RI)

  More evidence that it doesn't like a lateral load.


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