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Re: [TowerTalk] Force 12 Delta 240 2 Elem 40M Yagi

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Force 12 Delta 240 2 Elem 40M Yagi
From: Richard Thorne <>
Date: Sat, 12 Apr 2014 16:35:18 -0500
List-post: <">>
The Delta 240 is a coil version, and does not use linear loading.

I've never owned a Cushcraft but I've had the linear loaded 2 element 40 and two versions of the 240. The first version had coils enclosed in pvc and the current version is wound on some sort of plastic form. I went to the new version when I ordered the Delta 240/230 beam which I should have done in the first place. Having 2 elements on 30m makes it easy to work pileups.
Both Delta's tuned very easily based on the dimensions given.  I just 
pulled them up the side of the tower about 30' to check the swr and it 
was exactly like the manual said they would behave at the low height.  
Once they were raised to the top of the tower the delta's resonated 
right where the manual said they would.
The linear loaded 2 element 40's took more work to tune but once tuned 
it played well.  The one thing I missed was the relay box option which 
would allow you to switch between cw and ssb with the flip of a switch.
Now that F12 sold to InnovAntennas, I'm not sure if the 240 or 230/240 
will be available.  I know the C31xr will be.
Rich - N5ZC

The first version of the 250 had
On 4/12/2014 3:24 PM, wrote:
  Does anyone have a Force 12 Delta 240 up in the air in  use? If so, how
does it play?
I've installed a number of the F12 linear loaded antennas and NO ONE
has ever said to me that it was a 'great' antenna.  I've always thought that
the CC 2L shorty forty is the best bang for the buck on  40M. Maybe the
newer F12 versions with coils would be an  improvement.
Steve    K7LXC
Professional tower services for amateurs


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