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Re: [TowerTalk] Guying mast above rotor

To: "Matt" <>, <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Guying mast above rotor
From: "Dan Cisson" <>
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2014 15:22:17 -0500
List-post: <">>
After re-reading your post,, you said 12 feet above the tower you was going to guy the mast...Thats seems almost impossible for your guy wires to the mast would have to be on a horizontal line to clear the antennas on the mast. (for rotation)Otherwise,,if you are doing it ONLY to give some insurance in the event of a storm bending the mast, and then removing them after a storm,, thats OK...BUT,, you are going to be climbing a LOT during summer thunderstorms,, and, can you be at home every time a storm comes up to climb the tower and attach the wires-?? I say most of the time you will not be at home to do this..!! Dan/N4GNR ----- Original Message ----- From: "Matt" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 2:45 PM
Subject: [TowerTalk] Guying mast above rotor

I know the subject line sounds dumb,, but I have 15' of mast above my tower and live in South Florida. Read on...
Im thinking of putting a guy ring at about 12' above the top of the tower, 
and, only in event of a severe storm, attach 3 guy wires, which would be 
anchored in concrete, the cables sitting on the ground, affixing them to 
the collar in event of storm.
I've also thought of having  short guy wires permanently mounted on the 
guy ring collar, with the short guy cables running down the mast to the 
top of the tower.  Then i could climb up and attach the guy wires, if 
needed. No need for a bucket truck.
I think this would provide additional survivability to the mast in heavy 
Any thoughts on this? Good idea, bad?


Matt w1mbb

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