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Re: [TowerTalk] H-beam for elevated guy

To: "Dan Cisson" <>, <>, <>, <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] H-beam for elevated guy
From: "Jack Taylor" <>
Reply-to: Jack Taylor <>
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2014 08:56:21 -0700
List-post: <">>
Depends on soil composition. Here in the Aridzona high desert country our soil is packed like cement. Thus the depth of the anchor hole doesn't need to be as much as with looser earth. In my case I found the local power company had an economical 30 ft. treated pole which I cut into thirds. They also had
the necessary hardware for guy attachment.

Jack - n7oo

-----Original Message----- From: Dan Cisson
Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 8:37 AM
To: ; ;
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] H-beam for elevated guy

Steve,, I just put in an elevated anchor for 151 ft of 45 with a LOT of
loading for antenna.....
I twisted in a 30 inch hole with an auger from a Bobcat attachment. This
hole was 6 ft deep. I poured 3000 mix concrete up to the top.  I went to a
local scrapyard, and found a huge I beam. It is 18 inch X 10 inch and 1/2
thick.,, and 12 ft long.   6 feet is in hole, 6 feet up.
The "I" is in line with the direction of the load-which is the guy
wires....I have the tower guyed at 38 feet, 76, 114,
and 144.   I thought I may have to back guy this beam,, but it is SOLID,, I
have the guys pulled quite tight. I am not back guying it at all..The key
thing here is go with extreme overkill. If you put in an elevated anchor,,
MAKE SURE its way too big, and you will have assurance of the installation,
and know there is not a weak link in the anchor.   Another time,, I used a
section of railroad track,, its ungodly heavy,,, but it does not budge
either...Good Luck....Dan N4GNR

----- Original Message ----- From: <>
To: <>; <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 10:00 AM
Subject: [TowerTalk] H-beam for elevated guy

Howdy --

   I'm trying to get an idea of a good size for a 6'  elevated guy anchor
(with 4 feet in the ground and it'll have a backstay). It's  for 100' of
45G. I was thinking of using an 8" flange length. That might be enough since
it'll be backguyed but since I'm not an engineer, I was looking for  some
feedback on this. TIA.

Steve     K7LXC


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