The OWA design was originally credited to Nathan Miller, NW3Z, a grad
student working for WA3FET. See
<> for a detailed paper.
73, Pete N4ZR
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On 12/12/2013 4:33 PM, Kelly Taylor wrote:
Virtually every reference on Google searches to the Optimized Wideband
Antenna refers to WA3FET as the inventor. None refers to N6BT. Most also
co-credit K3LR for the OWA.
You might be able to outfox some Google search results, but not every single
N6BT's contribution, which I don't mean to disparage, is a system to couple
multiple driven elements parasitically to eliminate traps in multi-band
antennas. He referred to them as multi-monoband arrays, since most of the
F12 antennas use discrete elements for each band of operation rather than
using traps to multipurpose elements.
The OWA, if I recall correctly, was around before Force12 was even a gleam
in N6BT's eyes. And, again IIRC, the OWA is a monoband antenna that uses two
driven elements and specific element spacing to provide consistent gain,
matching and F/B over a greater portion of a particular band than typical.
73, kelly
On 12/12/13 3:13 PM, "Steve Sacco NN4X" <> wrote:
Scott -
I have wondered from time to time about this assertion: "... the
inventor of the OWA...WA3FET."
It is my understanding the Tom, N6BT developed the what is now known as
"OWA" design with his Force12 line of antennas.
I've had quite a number of Force12 antennas at my station, and was one
of the first owners of their 6L 20M and 6L 15M models. Somewhere along
the line, I also purchased a Force12 8L 10M Yagi. They all have the "D1
very close to DE" characteristic of the "OWA" design.
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