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Re: [TowerTalk] : SuperBertha Antenna Pricing correction

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] : SuperBertha Antenna Pricing correction
From: <>
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2013 03:28:59 -0000
List-post: <">>
Scott,  please read my post again. What are you correcting? I did not say 
ALL antennas from the mentioned companies are over $5000.  How much is your 
40M4OWA-48?  The SteppIR DB42 starts at $6595. The OptiBeam OB804020 costs 
7,599 Euro.  My point is that there are companies selling expensive antennas 
if you are not looking for "cheap".  I tried to avoid saying high quality 
antennas only because I have no personal experience with SuperBertha or 
SteppIR.  I have purchased two beams from OptiBeam and I was very happy with 
the design, quality and service and there were no missing or incorrect 
parts. Most of the beams on my towers are homebrew and they are expensive to 
build using 6061-T6 aluminum and quality stainless steel hardware. I was not 
knocking your antenna pricing, in fact I did not even know any of your 
prices. shows no prices for any products.

John KK9A

Subject:[TowerTalk] SuperBertha Antenna Pricing correction
From:Scott <>
Date:Wed, 11 Dec 2013 19:45:39 -0500
Since my company name came up in an email thread this message is simply to
ensure that the TT community is aware of the excellent value when buying
one (or hopefully many) SuperBertha Yagis.

But first, how fortunate we are to have so many excellent antenna
companies and professionals in our avocation. I prefer to think of the
other companies as colleagues, not competitors. Mike and his crew at M2
are top notch. Bill at Innovo is great as well. The novel concept from
SteppIR is cool and created a company using an "outside the box" idea (I
keep waiting for the retractable boom LOL). There are others...and hats
off to all of them for jobs well done in a very challenging economy. Like
me they know how much hard work and investment goes into a start-up. Most
people would be shocked to know the costs and time investment starting and
running an antenna company. All of their antennas would look great on a
SuperBertha Rotating Monopole!

That said, all SuperBertha Yagi's are expertly engineered for optimal
pattern by the inventor of the OWA...WA3FET. Our unique, simple and
elegant mechanical design is field-proven, and our antennas are made in
the USA by my family, which is thankful for the work.

To dispel the rumors we have excellent pricing for very well built
products WAY UNDER $5000 :)

10M6OWA-36 $1096
12M6OWA-36 $1096
15M6OWA-36 $1096

17M5OWA-36 $1096

20M5OWA-36 $2302

30M2 $1066
40M2 $1494

All the above pricing is for industry standard 6063. Any Yagi above may be
upgraded to 6061 (which is very costly compared to 6063, but somewhat

All the 36ft boom models may be upgraded to our Flagship Longboom 48ft
Yagi models for $900

We can make a traditional 30M3 or 40M3 full-sized Yagi to order, however
we strongly recommend our full-sized 30M3 V-Yagi and 40M3 V-Yagi, as
developed by NW3Z and WA3FET, which have inherent OWA-Like characteristics
including wider SWR and F/B bandwidth. One may upgrade from the 30M2 to a
full-sized 40M3-V Yagi for $1800. One may upgrade from a 40M2 to a 40M3-V
Yagi for $3258.

For full disclosure SuperBertha does have a few antenna models over
$5k.most notably our Signature 40M4OWA-48 and custom Yagi designs with
ultra-long booms (currently between 60 and 100ft).

Finally, if you desire your elements to be pre-built in the factory then
we gladly do so for a nominal cost.

Best wishes to all TT's for a happy holiday season, a prosperous new year,
higher contest scores, and good DX.

And remember, if you want a SuperBertha rotating monopole tower for your
christmas tree of stacked Yagis, we have three lower-cost legacy units in
stock (we are also glad to build new ones) .just have your YL call and we
will coat it green, hang ornaments from the Yagi elements that blink
holiday messages in morse code, and Santa will deliver it right to your
back yard. You will surely be the talk of your neighborhood and the next
club meeting :)

73, Scott W3TX

On 12/11/13 4:17 PM, "" <> wrote:

>I would not say that Telrex made a great antenna although you did get a
>lot of aluminum for your money.  If you want to spend a lot for an antenna
>there are $5,000+ models available from SteppIR, OptiBeam, SuperBertha,
>John KK9A 


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