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Re: [TowerTalk] Shielded shack

To: Hans Hammarquist <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Shielded shack
From: Grant Saviers <>
Date: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 22:51:31 -0700
List-post: <">>
If it is lightning protection and not RFI shielding that is desired, then what is done for explosive magazines ought to be enough! has many references, but there are older documents I've seen in prior google searches. e.g. Or standards for protection of petroleum storage facilities.
I would also think that foil is a bad choice as a conductor should you 
have a strike when #2 or larger is what is commonly used in large 
structures frequently hit.
On 9/27/2013 8:05 PM, Hans Hammarquist wrote:

I am on the process to build myself a (small) free-standing shack next to my tower. I am 
thinking (which usually is dangerous) that I should "dress" my shack in 
aluminum foil, making it into a large Faraday Cage/shielded room.

By connecting the foil to the tower and make sure all wires entering my shack 
enters through a (relatively) small window I should be able to make the 
ultimate lightning protection.

What can go wrong with this? The foil will be connected through-out, walls, 
floor, ceiling. All the feed-through connectors, surge protectors etc will also 
the connect to the foil. I will using a wide aluminum strip to connect the 
tower to the foil. Yes, the tower has nine (9) gounding rods, so I believe that 
is OK.

Any feedback?

73 de,

Hans - N2JFS

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